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Horoscope 2002





You were born between March 21 and April 19

Your décanses:
- 1st décan between the 21 and March 31
- 2nd décan between the 1 and April 10
- 3rd décan between the 11 and April 20

You are a sign of Fire, dominated per March.

Your Planet is March.
Your Planet in exile is Venus.

Your Metals are steel and Iron.
Your Color is the Red.

Your Pierre are the amethyst, the Cornaline, the Diamond and the Ruby.
Your Flowers are the Heather, Gentian and the Mint.
Your number is the 1.

It is the sign of sportsmen, chiefs, policemen and soldieries.

Your weak points are the brain, the bone marrow and bones.

Signs in affinity are:
- for the man aries / woman Fish
- for the woman aries / the man Lion.
Signs in dissonance are the Sagittarius and Fish.

Your main features.

You make proof of a natural generosity. Your altruism is incontestable and strong appreciated.

You are very expansive. As think to pull up your impulses. Use your intuition.

You know how to perfectly face obstacles and to the adversity. don't darken head However first. Before acting, take the time of the reflection.

If you arrive to canalize your passions, you will be able to use them to good knowledge.

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